Augusztus végén egy különleges vendéggel térünk vissza a LÄRM falai közé. Drisan barátunk 20+ éves szelektori múlttal/DJ rutinnal és több produceri megjelenéssel a háta mögött költözött haza Londonból 15 év után, így nagy örömünkre együtt vágunk bele a hosszú kihagyás utáni első egész estés Lost Minute gálába.
Naga és Bernáth Peti főképp műszaki cikkeket tekergetnek, nemritkán sötét helyeken. Szabadidejüket közös bólogatással töltik hosszú évek óta. Jellemző élőhelyük a B oldal, a lopakvó slow house lankái, a partmenti chill-bokrok sűrűje, de megfigyelték már őket detroiti mélyedésekben, illetve hűvös techno-áramokban egyaránt. A környezet gyors váltakoztatására is képesek. Jellegzetes formájú építményeiket jól példázza a Lost Minute sorozat és kollektíva.
23:00-01:00 1.000 HUF
01:00-06:00 1.500 HUF
If you love the quiet storm-type of DJ sets that build up consciously through the night and take you on a long journey, look no further: the local masters of airy house music are here to guide you.
Naga started out DJing in '94 as the first delicate waves of Budapest based rave culture became surfable. In his long decades in electronics he also contributed to Tilos Radio and Chi-recordings, but his collaborations with DJ friends had the most remarkable effect on the local music scene. With Beta he co-founded Hairy Records, and their House2house has been a regular night since then. With the vinyl-addict DJ/organizer Peter Bernath - who also curates RTS.FM's Budapest studio - they formed a gig series called 'Lost Minute' presenting innumerable guests from the worldwide house-under scene like Ada Kaleh, Anton Kubikov, Christopher Ledger, Delano Smith, John Dimas, Vid, among others. Their yearly b2b sets at Ozora has always been a slow mounting to inner highs - presented with much care and concentration -, and also a nice occasion for a hypnotic gathering.
Drisan collects and mix music for 20+ years now.
Ever since, he played many gigs in both Hungary, the United Kingdom and Ireland alongside Rennie Pilgrem (TCR), the Hairy Recordings Crew for Ablak-A-Dubra Nights at Cha-Cha-Cha Terasz (2007) and Instant (2008), member of the London based Askarabaskara Crew, came runner up at Steve Lawler’s Harlem Nights (ViVAMusicLabel) DJ competition, won people’s vote at the Antarctic Rhythms remix contest organised by DJ Spooky (The Subliminal Kid) in 2013.
Recently he returned to Hungary from London and recorded guest mixes for Tilos Radio shows 'Ablak-A-Dubra' and 'Plug & Lay' over the past year.
Released some of his productions digitally on Moira Audio Recordings (HU) and Dub Communication (NL) in 2019 and he is currently finishing up his dissertation to explore what motivates us techno/house DJs to still buy many of our music on vinyl records in the digital age…