Traditionally it's Dork and Isu closing our Spring season with their all night long sets. This time however, we couldn't resist booking our next bucket list guest to present his brand new act to the Budapest scene. Benjamin was born in England, and went through the typical musical evolution of his generation including rave, jungle and house until he established his own sound. It was the Modeselektor duo signing him first to their 50weapons label. Ironically, it was also him with his LP that was the last album released on the label. Eventually, this has brought headlining festivals for Benjamin Damage. In 2017 he was signed by the legendary R&S label with a roster including Aphex Twin, Ken Ishii, Jaydee, Cabaret Voltaire, Model 500 and other extremely talented musicians. He has upgraded his live act in 2018 leaving his notebook out from the show. Exclusively using hardware elements, he is playing his own tunes in a restructured and unique way. Benjamin's 'Obsidian' LP came out in 2015 and his new full time project is on its way, so we are sure to get a teaser on our show in May. If you are a fan of the lean Berlin sound mixed with ethereal melodies, this event will provide you with a unique experience. This is our goodbye to this beatiful and successful season.
Warm up: Mode
Artwork: Dániel Zsigó
23.00 - 24.00 - 2000 huf
24.00 - 01.00 - 3000 huf
01.00 - 06.00 - 3500 huf
Pre sale on RA: https://bit.ly/2IUq92c